Mt. Harmon Tactical

Sir ~

You are ordered to embark your troops near the end of October, when favorable winds may carry you to your destination, at the Head of Elk, in the upper regions of the Chesapeake Bay.  Your mission is to land as far up the Bay as practical.  Once landed you are to establish a temporary base of operations, in conjunction with the navy, and being operations in the rebellious colonies of Maryland and Delaware.

You are to proceed to do as much damage to the rebel cause, confiscating what good and materials you can, while destroying the rest.  In addition, you are also to establish relations to those citizens still loyal to the Crown, rallying all Loyal subjects to the King’s Colours.  The Loyalist units assigned to your command carry beating orders to raise more good men to serving in their ranks.  Your forces should also administer the Oath, were and when practical.

You are to proceed to do as much damage to the rebel cause, confiscating what good and materials you can, while destroying the rest.  In addition, you are also to establish relations to those citizens still loyal to the Crown, rallying all Loyal subjects to the King’s Colours.  The Loyalist units assigned to your command carry beating orders to raise more good men to serving in their ranks.  Your forces should also administer the Oath, were and when practical. 
While maintaining your station, you are to contact loyal subjects to gather intelligence about rebel activities in the region, and take note of their defenses for future operations against them.  You are also authorized to engage in contracting further intelligence sources, as may serve in the Crown’s interests.

We have also received reports of partisan forces operating in the region as well.  You will do your utmost to locate and destroy these banditti, at your pleasure.
May your arms obtain great success in the King’s service.
God Save the King!
Friday School Tours – Mount Harmon anticipates about 140 elementary school kids to tour the site 0930 and noon.  Any help with re-enactor presentations is greatly appreciated. Fees waived for all participants in this program.  Tom Vogeley, 1st NJ, will coordinate CL side, Ben Newton, Royal Artillery, will coordinate Crown side.  Please make sure they get your names so we know who gets in free.  Many thanks for supporting this program.  Please report to the Education Center if not sure where to go.  This is the former stable building.
Saturday morning – sutlers will be on site.  So far we know we have -

G. Gedney Godwin
U.S. Sword and Uniform
Rancocas Merchant

with more to be announced as added.

Operations commence at 1100 Saturday morning.  Units will take the field, and be assigned specific missions to accomplish during the time in the field.  Success or failure will be determined on fulfilling your assigned mission.  There will be a late afternoon break, when forces will return to camp.  There will be an all forces battle late afternoon.  Please bring food with you to eat in the field.

Saturday evening - There will be a social Saturday evening.  Please bring a lantern and your favorite beverage.  Location to be announced on site.  We hope to secure a keg of good spirits (beer) as well.

Sunday morning – After spending more time in the sutlers’ area, the troops will be assembled at 0930 for further military operations and assignments. 

Sunday noon – Event should be over by noon, and you will be on your way home.

Field sign – anyone may opt out of the fun by simply clubbing their musket and walking off the field.  Same for returning, or returning POWs to their own lines.

Not up to heavy field work?  - No problem.  You can be assigned to full time HQ guard duty, or you may stay in camps or staff the museum building to talk to whatever public is on site.

Further event information can be found at the Mt. Harmon Tactical 2012 website.
Portrait Credit:  The Occupation of Newport, 9 December 1776, By Robert Cleveley, 1777, Courtesy of History of the Sailing Warship in Marine Art